The aim of this blog is to remove whatever doubts that may have entered some people’s minds regarding denial of any violence against Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) at her home, or against Hazrat Ali (a.s.) at the house of Janabe Fatima Zahra(s.a.).
Authentic references have been provided in the fond hope of a definitive conclusion and the eradication of all doubts Inshallah.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) refused to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr - Part 1

All the members of Bani Hashim who were present there were rounded up and taken to Abu Bakr. They were told, pay your allegiance to Abu Bakr as others have done. And by Allah, if you don’t, we will use our swords against you. In such a helpless situation, Bani Hashim offered their allegiance to Abu Bakr.[1]

However, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) refused to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr and countered, “I am more worthy of this position than you. You all should swear allegiance to me. You have sought allegiance from the Ansar on the basis of your proximity to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and now you wish to snatch this right from us, Ahle’ Bayt (a.s.)? Did you not offer this argument that on account of your closeness to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) you are more eligible for the caliphate than them? Surely it is on this account that they handed over this position to you.

I now offer you the same argument – I am the one who was the closest to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) in his life and even after this death. I am his rightful successor and trustee. I am the keeper of his secrets and the protector of his knowledge. I am Siddique’ Akbar (the highest truth). I was the first to believe him and accept him. From amongst you, I am the one who fought the most with the polytheists. I possess more knowledge about the Quran and the Sunnat (practice) of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) than any person amongst you does. I am more aware of the consequences of actions than any one of you. I am the best narrator and the most brave hearted. Then on what basis are you snatching this right (caliphate) from us? If you have even an atom’s worth of fear of Allah (s.w.t.) in your hearts, then do justice with us. Just as you claim superiority for yourselves over the Ansar, you should accept our superiority over you. Do not engage in this injustice for surely you know what will be its consequence.”

Hearing this, Umar said, “Is not the action of the Bani Hashim (by giving bay’at) a sufficient example for you?”

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) replied, “You should seek this answer from the Bani Hashim themselves.”

Those members from Bani Hashim who had unwilling sworn allegiance immediately spoke up. They said, “Our paying allegiance is not a proof for Ali (as) (implying that their action did not mean that Hazrat Ali (as) should follow suit.). He is far superior to us in Hijrat, jehad, proximity to the Prophet (s.a.w.) and is not bound by our actions.

Umar said, “We will not let you go till you have sworn allegiance to Abu Bakr – by your own free will or by force.”

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) replied, “Today you (Umar) are making the ground clear for his (Abu Bakr’s) selection so that one day he will return it back to you. I will not listen to you and will never do your bay’at.”

Abu Bakr spoke up, “O Abul Hasan! Calm down. We do not wish to put any pressure on you nor do we want to force you.”

[1] Ibne Abil Hadeed has not reported the incident of bay’at of Bani Hashim that they swore allegiance to Abu Bakr at that time and place. Historians have reported that Hazrat Ali (as) and the entire Bani Hashim did not do bay’at to Abu Bakr during the lifetime of Janabe’ Zahra (sa).