The aim of this blog is to remove whatever doubts that may have entered some people’s minds regarding denial of any violence against Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) at her home, or against Hazrat Ali (a.s.) at the house of Janabe Fatima Zahra(s.a.).
Authentic references have been provided in the fond hope of a definitive conclusion and the eradication of all doubts Inshallah.

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Report of Allamah Balazari (270 A.H.) about the attack on the house of revelation and martyrdom of Lady Zahra (sa)

Balazari says in Ansabul Ashraf:
Abu Bakr sent for Ali (a) to pay allegiance to him and when he refused to pay the allegiance, Umar went to the house of Fatima (s) with a burning torch. Fatima came behind the door and asked: O son of Khattab, do you want to burn down my door? Umar replied: Yes, this would strengthen the religion of your father.[1]
Abdur Rahman Damishqiya, whose objection against the report of Ibne Abi Shaybah about the threat of Umar to burn down the house of revelation was mentioned a little while ago, has also expressed doubt in that inappropriate act and on the chain of this report as well in his article and said:
The chain of reporters of this tradition is disconnected on one side and on the other side Sulaiman Teemi is a companion of companions (Tabii) and there is a great gap between Balazari and him; how can he quote from him without an intermediary. The objection against this report is that Ibne Aun is the last companion of companions and there was a long gap between him and Abu Bakr.
Research into the chain of narrators of this report clearly shows that this objection of Abdur Rahman Damishqiya accompanied with ridicule and taunts more resembles academic objection, because we claim that this report is also perfectly genuine on the basis of sources of narrators of Ahle Sunnat traditions and if Allah wills, we will prove this claim.[2]

[1] Ansabul Ashraf, Balazari, Vol. 1, Pg. 586
[2] Investigation into the chain of reporters of traditional report:
Balazari has narrated the traditional report through this chain of reporters:
Madaini from Muslimah bin Maharib from Sulaiman Teemi from Ibne Aun: Indeed Abu Bakr…
1- Madaini:
Dhahabi has said about Madaini that:
Madaini: Allamah Hafiz Sadiq Abul Hasan Ali bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abi Saif Madaini Akhbari: He was a history scholar and was learned about battles, expeditions and poems, and regarding these matters he is included among the accurate reporters.
In continuation of the statement of Yahya bin Moin, he writes:
Yahya bin Moin has said regarding him thrice: He is reliable. He is reliable. He is reliable.
Seer Aalamun Nubla, Vol. 10, Pg. 401, Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman bin Qaimaz Dhahabi, Abu Abdullah (d. 748), Mausisatur Risala, Beirut, 1413, Ninth edition, Edited: Shuaib Arnaut, Muhammad Naeem Arqasusi.
Tarikh al-Islam wa Wafyatul Mashahir wal Aalaam, Vol. 16, Pg. 290, Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman Dhahabi (d. 748 A.H.), Darul Kitab al-Arabi, Lebanon, Beirut, 1407 A.H. – 1987 A.D. First edition, Edited: Dr. Umar Abdus Salam Tadmiri.
2- Muslimah bin Maharib:
Ibne Hibban has described him in Kitabus Thiqat; therefore doubt of anonymity of this person is invalid.
Ath-Thiqat: Ibne Hibban, Vol. 7, Pg. 490
3- Sulaiman Teemi:
Mizzi has said in Tahdhibul Kamaal:
Rabi bin Yahya has narrated from Shoba bin Hajjaj that he said: I have not seen anyone more truthful than Sulaiman. Whenever he narrated traditions from the Holy Prophet (s), his expression used to change.
Tahdhibul Kamaal, Vol. 12, Pg. 8, Biography of Sulaiman bin Tarqan Teemi, Abu Motamar Basri, no. 2531 – Al-Jirha wa Tadeel, Vol. 4, Pg. 124, Biography Sulaiman Teemi, no. 539.
4- Abdullah bin Aun:
Some have objected that the report is Maqtu (cut off) over here as he has not narrated the report from companions whereas Safdi, an important Ahle Sunnat scholar has said regarding Ibne Aun:
Possibility exists for him that he heard reports from a group of companions.
Al-Wafi bil Wafiyat, Vol. 17, Pg. 390, under the biography of Hafiz Mazni Abdullah bin Aun bin Artaban Abu Aun al-Mazni, no. 320.
This is when reports exists mentioning the companionship of this person, as Ibne Saad has narrated in Tabaqatul Kubra:
Ibne Aun was very eager to meet the Holy Prophet (s) [at last he got this chance and] a shortly before the passing away of the Prophet, he was able to see him and was extremely elated for this…
Tabaqatul Kubra, Vol. 7, Pg. 198, under the biography of Abdullah bin Aun bin Artaban, No. 3232, Darul Kutub Ilmiya, (Beirut, Lebanon).
So much so that if we suppose that Ibne Aun was not a companion and that he was a companion of companions (Tabii), even then no harm comes to this report; as the father of science of narrators (Ilme Rijal) of Ahle Sunnat, Shoba bin Hajjaj says regarding him:
My doubt about Ibne Aun is better and more acceptable than the certainty of others.
Preface to Al-Jirha wa Tadeel, Pg. 145
And Ibne Mubarak says:
I have not seen anyone superior to Ibne Aun and Shoba has said: My doubt about Ibne Aun is better and more acceptable than the certainty of others.
Seer Aalamun Nubla, Vol. 6, Pg. 365, Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman bin Qaimaz Dhahabi, Abu Abdullah (d. 748), Mausisatur Risala, Beirut, 1413 A.H., Ninth edition, Edited: Shuaib Arnaut, Muhammad Naeem Arqasusi.
Mizzi has also written in Tahdhibul Kamaal:
Umar bin Habib says: I heard Uthman Batti say: My eyes have not seen anyone like Aun (in excellence and superiority).
And many more other praises are mentioned about him, but we refrain to quote them here:
Tahdhibul Kamaal, Vol. 15, Pg. 399, Yusuf bin Zaki Abdur Rahman Abul Hajjaj al-Mizzi (d. 742 A.H.), Edited: Dr. Bishar Awad Maruf, Mausisatur Risala, Beirut, First edition, 1400 A.H. – 1980 A.D.
Consequently, as we stated:
Firstly: Some Ahle Sunnat scholars have clarified that he was a companion and he met the Messenger of Allah (s) in his last days; he was present during the incident of attack on the house of Fatima (s) and was aware of the issue.
Secondly: Supposing that the report is disconnected and it is mentioned by Ibne Aun of his own accord; in that case also it is sufficient to prove our claim, because a person like Ibne Aun, doubt in whom is same as certainty among Ahle Sunnat scholars…is sufficient for us and is sufficient to prove genuineness of the report.