Ibrahim bin Sayyar bin Hani, alias Nazzam (d. 230 A.H.), famous
philosopher and theologian of Ahle Sunnat, who due to his beautiful discourse
in prose and poetry has become famous as Nazzam; he is the founder of the
Nazzamiya sect and is from the elders of Mutazila. He is among those who have admitted
to the trespassing on the sanctity of Lady Fatima Zahra (s) by the second
Caliph of Ahle Sunnat and some other facts and events, which took place in the
early period of Islam; but regretfully some Ahle Sunnat scholars have condemned
him severely only because he has admitted these facts and without any
justification leveled false accusations against him and have even expelled him
from the folds of Islam and related him to Brahmanism.
In his numerous books, he has quoted the incident of attack on the
house of Lady Zahra (s):
On the day of allegiance of Abu Bakr, Umar hit at the side of
Lady Fatima (s), which led to the miscarriage of her child, who was named as
As was hinted, Nazzam became a target of many allegations due to his
explanation of some historical facts, so that naturally by criticism,
investigation of accusatory instances and exposing of reality, the allegations
laid on him would be removed.