The aim of this blog is to remove whatever doubts that may have entered some people’s minds regarding denial of any violence against Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) at her home, or against Hazrat Ali (a.s.) at the house of Janabe Fatima Zahra(s.a.).
Authentic references have been provided in the fond hope of a definitive conclusion and the eradication of all doubts Inshallah.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The matter of donation of Fadak - Part 1

It was the dispute between the caliph and Fatima (s) when she argued that the Prophet (s) had donated Fadak to her. Imam Ali and Umm Aymen witnessed of that but the caliph refused Fatima’s claim[1] and was not satisfied with these two witnesses and asked her to bring two men or a man and two women as witnesses.
1. The first thing that we would blame Abu Bakr for was his situation in this case as a ruler in spite of that his caliphate did not gain the legal quality until that day at least. [2] But now we do not want to study this blame because such argument will take us to wider horizons.
2. The second note about the subject is that if Fadak was with Fatima, then she would not have to have any evidence. There were two things about this note:
First: in whose possession Fadak was? Was it really in Fatima’s possession? We could understand that from the letter of Imam Ali to Othman bin Hunayf: “Yes, Fadak (only) was in our possession away from all what were under the heaven but some people became stingy with it and others turned away from it”. [3] This means that Fadak was in the Prophet’s family’s possession. This was confirmed by the traditions of the Shia.
The meaning of Imam Ali’s speech showed that Fadak was in Imam Ali and Fatima’s possession and it could not be interpreted as it was in the Prophet’s possession; first because the Prophet’s possession meant the Prophet’s family’s possession and second because the Prophet had his own properties other than Fadak.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Umar Abused And Oppressed Hazrat Fatemah (sa) While She Was Pregnant - Part 3

Continued from part 2

What type of logic gives us the permission to reject someone simply because of his inclination to Shiaism? If such is the standard, then Ahl Sunna need to dismiss many hadiths in Siha Sitta (the six hadith books) as they contain numerous hadiths from Rafidhis. InshaAllah, we will mention a few examples:
1. ‘AbiduAllah bin Musa:
Dhahabi says about him:
قال ابن مندة كان أحمد بن حنبل يدل الناس على عبيد الله وكان معروفا بالرفض لم يدع أحدا
اسمه معاوية يدخل داره.
Ibn Manda said: Ahmad bin Hanbal would welcome people to his premises, as he was a well-known Rafidhi, but he did not allow anyone by the name of “Muawia” to enter his residence.
الذهبي، شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان، )متوفاي 847 ه(، سير أعلام النبلاء، ج 9، ص 116 ، تحقيق: شعيب
الأرناؤوط، محمد نعيم العرقسوسي، ناشر: مؤسسة الرسالة بيروت، الطبعة: التاسعة، 1412 ه. -
Al Thahabi, Shams Al Deen Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Uthmaan (died 748 H), book: Siyar A’laam Al Nubalaa’ (The Lives of the Knowledgeable Nobles), volume 9, page 556, investigated by Shu’ayb Al Arnaa’oot, Muhammad Naeem Al Aariqsoosi, publisher: Mu’assasat Al Risaala (The Message Foundation), Beirut, ninth edition, 1413 H.
He continues to write:
وحديثه في الكتب الستة.
His Hadiths are present in the books of Siha Sitta
Mezi, the author of Tahzib al-kamal, states that all the books of Siha Sitta contain hadiths from Hanbal:
عُبَيد الله بن موسى بن أَبي المختار، واسمه باذام العبيسي، مولاهم أبو محمد الكوفي.
رَوَى عَن: إبراهيم بن إِسماعيل بن مجمع )ق(، وأسامة بن زيد الليثي )م(، واسرائيل بن يونس )خ
م ت س(، وإسماعيل بن أَبي خالد )خ(....
Ubaid Allah Bin Musaa bin Abi Al Mukhtaar, and his name Baathaam Al ‘Ubaisi, Their Chief Abu Muhammad Al Koofi.
Narrated according to: Ibraaheem Bin Ismaaeel Bin Majmaa (in Qazwini), ans Usaama Bin Zaid Al Laithiy (in Muslim), and Israa’eel Bin Yunis (in Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmithi, and Nisa’i), and Ismaaeel Bin Abi Khaalid ()…
المزي، يوسف بن الزكي عبدالرحمن أبو الحجاج )متوفاي 843 ه(، تهذيب الكمال، ج 19 ، ص 164 ، تحقيق د. بشار عواد
معروف، ناشر: مؤسسة الرسالة بيروت، الطبعة: الأولى، 1444 ه 1974 م. – -
Al Mazi, Yusuf Bin Al Zaki Abdul Rahmaan Abu Al Hijaaj (died 742 H), book: Tahtheeb Al Kamaal, Volume 19, page 164. Investigated by Dr. Bashaar Awaad Maaroof, publisher: Mu’assasat Al Risaala (The Message Foundation), Beirut, first edition, 1400 H (1980 AD).
رمزهايى كه در بين پرانتزها گذاشته شده، هر كدام مخفف اسم يكى از نويسندگان صحاح سته
است. )خ( = بخاري؛ )م( = مسلم؛ )ق( = ابن ماجه قزويني؛ )ت( = ترمذى )س( = نسائي.
Each code between brackets represents the name of the authors of the Siha Sitta:
(خ) = Bukhari
(م) = Muslim
(ق) = Ibn Majah Qazwini
(ت) = Trimidhi
(س) = Nisa’i

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Umar Abused And Oppressed Hazrat Fatemah (sa) While She Was Pregnant - Part 2

Continued from part 1

However, as already mentioned, Dhahabi and Ibn Hajjar have rejected this notion on grounds of its source, Ibn Abi Darim.
احمد بن محمد بن السرى بن يحيى بن أبي دارم المحدث أبو بكر الكوفي الرافضي الكذاب... ثم
في آخر أيامه كان أكثر ما يقرأ عليه المثالب حضرته ورجل يقرأ عليه ان عمر رفس فاطمة حتى أسقطت
During the end of his life, Darim made an effort to shed light on the numerous flaws and misgivings of the Shaikhin. I was in his presence during which I witnessed a man telling him, “Umar kicked Lady Fatima, causing the miscarriage of Muhsin.”
By analyzing the scholarly reputation and character of Ibn Abi Darim, one will come to understand that the only reason for his rejection by the Ahl Sunna is in regards to this hadith. As a matter of fact, prior to this hadith, he was considered as one of the most knowledgeable ulama of the Ahl Sunna. Dhahabi described him as a “leader(Imam), memorizer(Hafiz), and an erudite(Fadhil).”
ابن أبي دارم. الامام الحافظ الفاضل، أبو بكر أحمد بن محمد السري بن يحيى بن السري بن أبي
Ibn Abi Daarim. The virtuous memorizer imam, Abu Bakr Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Sirriy Bin Yahyaa Bin Al Sirriy Bin Abi Daarim…
He continues as: كان موصوفا بالحفظ والمعرفة إلا أنه يترفض.
His knowledge and character were exceptional, but he was attached to Shiaism.
And he also says: وقال محمد بن حماد الحافظ، كان مستقيم الامر عامة دهره.
Muhammad bin Hammaad Al Haafith said: In his lifetime he was firm in his beliefs.
الذهبي، شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان، )متوفاي 847 ه(، سير أعلام النبلاء، ج 11 ، ص 188  189 ، تحقيق:
شعيب الأرناؤوط، محمد نعيم العرقسوسي، ناشر: مؤسسة الرسالة بيروت، الطبعة: التاسعة، 1412 ه. -
Al Thahabi, Shams Al Deen Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Uthmaan (died 748 H), book: Siyar A’laam Al Nubalaa’ (The Lives of the Knowledgeable Nobles), volume 15, page 577-579, investigated by Shu’ayb Al Arnaa’oot, Muhammad Naeem Al Aariqsoosi, publisher: Mu’assasat Al Risaala (The Message Foundation), Beirut, ninth edition, 1413 H.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Umar Abused And Oppressed Hazrat Fatemah (sa) While She Was Pregnant - Part 1

The abuse and oppression of a pregnant Lady Fatima at the hands of Umar, as confessed by Ibn Abi Darim
In the book Mizan al-‘Itidal, Allama Sham sul-Deen Dhahabi brands Ibn Abi Darim as a Rafidhi. Dhahabi claims that despite the staunch convictions of Darim, he nonetheless slandered the Shaikhin(Abu Bakr and Umar) during the latter stages of his life, hence dismissing him as a valid narrator.
The original narration:
Alama Sham sul-Deen Dhahabi in Siyar a`lam al-nubala' and Mizan al-'Itidal and Ibn Hajar ‘Asqalani in Lisan al-Mizan narrated from Ibn Abi Darim:
إنّ عمر رفس فاطمة حتّى أسقطت بمحسن.
Umar kicked Hazhrat Fatima, causing the miscarriage of her unborn baby, Muhsin.
، الذهبي، شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان، )متوفاي 847 ه( ميزان الاعتدال في نقد الرجال، ج 1، ص 372
تحقيق: الشيخ علي محمد معوض والشيخ عادل أحمد عبدالموجود، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية بيروت، الطبعة: الأولى، 1991 م؛ -
Al Thahabi Shams Al Deen Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Uthmaan (died 748 H), book: Meezaan Al I’tadaal fi Naqd Al Rijaal (The Scale of Moderation in Criticizing The Men of Narration), volume 1, page 283, investigated by Sheikh Ali Muhammad Mu’awwad and Sheikh Aadel Ahmad Abdul Mawjood, publisher: Daar Al Kutub Al ‘Ilmiyya, Beirut, first edition, 1995;
الذهبي، شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان، )متوفاي 847 ه(، سير أعلام النبلاء، ج 11 ، ص 187 ، تحقيق: شعيب
الأرناؤوط، محمد نعيم العرقسوسي، ناشر: مؤسسة الرسالة بيروت، الطبعة: التاسعة، 1412 ه؛ -
Al Thahabi, Shams Al Deen Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Uthmaan (died 748 H), book: Siyar A’laam Al Nubalaa’ (The Lives of the Knowledgeable Nobles), volume 15, page 578, investigated by Shu’ayb Al Arnaa’oot, Muhammad Naeem Al Aariqsoosi, publisher: Mu’assasat Al Risaala (The Message Foundation), Beirut, ninth edition, 1413 H;
العسقلاني الشافعي، أحمد بن علي بن حجر أبو الفضل )متوفاي 713 ه( لسان الميزان، ج 1، ص 367 ، تحقيق: دائرة
المعرف النظامية الهند، ناشر: مؤسسة الأعلمي للمطبوعات بيروت، الطبعة: الثالثة، 1446 ه 1976 م. – - -
Al Asqalaani Al Shaafii, Ahmad Bin Ali Bin Hijr Abu Al Fadil (died 852 H), Lisaan Al Meezaan (The Scale’s Tongue), volume 1, page 268, investigated by Al Maarifa Al Nithaamiyya Center, India, publisher: Mu’assasat Al A’lami Lilmatboo’aat (Al A’lami Foundation for Print), Beirut, third edition, 1406 H (1986 AD);
Dhahabi, Mizan al-'Itidal fi Naqd al-Rijal, Volume 1, Page 283
Dhahabi, Siyar a`lam al-nubala', Volume 15, Page 578
Ibn Hajar Asqalani, Lisan al-Mizan, Volume 1, Page 268