The aim of this blog is to remove whatever doubts that may have entered some people’s minds regarding denial of any violence against Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) at her home, or against Hazrat Ali (a.s.) at the house of Janabe Fatima Zahra(s.a.).
Authentic references have been provided in the fond hope of a definitive conclusion and the eradication of all doubts Inshallah.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) refused to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr - Part 2

Abu Obaydah came to Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and said, “O the son of my uncle! We do not deny your nearness, your precedence in Islam, your knowledge and your help. It is only that you are lesser in age (at that time, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) was 33 years old). Abu Bakr is elder to you and is more experienced.[1] He will be able to bear this burden more efficiently  (than you). Whatever had to happen has happened. Now you accept and submit before him. If Allah (s.w.t.) grants you a long life, we will hand over this caliphate to you. No person will oppose this move at that time. You will be more deserving and worthy for it then. (Do not create a commotion on this issue. You are aware of the opinion of the Arabs and the non Arabs about yourself.)”

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) addressed the people, “O Mohajir and Ansar! Do not turn away and break the covenant, which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) took from you in my regard. Do not attempt to take away the leadership and caliphate from the house of the Holy Prophet into your own homes. Support the truthful. Be with them and protect them. Allah (s.w.t.) and His Prophet (s.a.w.) have taken a firm decision in this regard – which you are well aware of. We, Ahle’ Bayt (a.s.) are more worthy and deserving of the caliphate. Are we not amongst those who recite the Quran? Are we not more familiar with the religion? Are we not more knowledgeable about the affairs of the people? We are the owners of all the virtues and not you. Beware, do not follow your desires or you will be led away from the truth.”

At that time, Basheer ibne Sa’ad Ansari (who had paved the way for the caliphate of Abu Bakr) said, “O Abul Hasan, if the Ansar would have heard your discourse before paying allegiance to Abu Bakr, not a single person would have opposed you.”

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) retorted, “Would I have left the burial and the shrouding of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) to come and fight with you for the caliphate?!!”

In another tradition, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) said, “My bay’at took place much before the bay’at of Abu Bakr. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was himself a witness that Allah (s.w.t.) ordered it. Did the people not swear allegiance to me? Why are these two claiming something for themselves, which they are not entitled to in any manner?[2]

(By Allah! Bring forward a single person who wishes to dispute with us, Ahle’ Bayt (a.s.) on this matter and who, in your eyes presents a rightful claim to this position.)

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), on the day of Ghadeer, left no doubt and argument for any person. I ask you by Allah (s.a.w.), whosoever heard the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) say this on the day of Ghadeer

“Of whomsoever I am the master, this Ali (a.s.) is his master. O Allah! You befriend him who befriends Ali and keep him as Your enemy the one who bears enmity towards Ali. You help him who helps Ali and forsake him who forsakes Ali.”

Zayd ibne Arqam reports, “No less than 12 Mohajirs who had participated in the war of Badr gave witness to this tradition of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). I too had heard this tradition, but I hid it (from the people). From that day onwards I lost my eyesight and was completely blinded.”

The discussion became prolonged and the people raised their voices. Umar became fearful that the crowd would start paying attention to the words of Hazrat Ali (a.s.). Consequently he dispersed the crowd saying, “Allah is the One who changes the hearts and the vision of people. Abul Hasan is diverting the attention of the people from their chosen representative.” Hearing this, most of the people left that place.[3]

[1] Ibne Abil Hadeed and Ibne Qutaybah have narrated this incident as follows – “These people are the elders of your society. You do have the advantage of their experience and neither are you aware of all the problems.” Please note that this discussion is directed towards the group and not towards Abu Bakr as an individual.
[2] Masalebun Nawaseb, page 139
[3] Ihtejaje’ Tabarsi, page 73-75; Behaarul Anwaar, volume 28, page 183-188; Al Imamah was Siyasah, volume 1 page 18/19; Masalebun Nawaseb, page 138/139; Shar’he Nahjul Balagha, volume 6 page 11/12. We have presented the parts from Al Imamah was Siyasah and Shar’he Nahjul Balagha , which have been deleted from the books in brackets. When we pay attention to these sentences, we realise that these are the proofs of Hazrat Ali’s (as) right to vecegerency of the Holy Prophet (saw), but these people have substituted it for “on what grounds have you snatched away our rights.” And his saying that “you have oppressed us while you were aware of it.” Then Waqedi has in his book, Ar Raddah, page 46/47 mentioned some of the events that occurred at this place. Al Fatooh by Ahmed Ibne’ Asime’ Kufi, volume 1 page 13/14; Rauzatus Safah, volume 2 page 595-597; Habibus Sayr, volume 1 page 447; Al Mustarshid, page 374-376 (from Imam Mohammed Baqer (as), Anwarul Yaqeen by Hussain Zaidi, page 380; Shafa’us Sodoorin Naas, page 478-479, Tareekhe Siyasi wal Khasari by Sayyed Abdul Aziz Salem, page 177; Tareekul Daulatul Gharibah, page 161; Da’aeratul Ma’arif by Mohammed Fareed Wajadi, volume 3 page 758-759.