The aim of this blog is to remove whatever doubts that may have entered some people’s minds regarding denial of any violence against Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) at her home, or against Hazrat Ali (a.s.) at the house of Janabe Fatima Zahra(s.a.).
Authentic references have been provided in the fond hope of a definitive conclusion and the eradication of all doubts Inshallah.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Visits to the house of Janbe Zahra (sa) - Part 2

“The caliph of the Muslims is calling you.”

Another report narrates the incident as follows – Qunfuz said to Janabe’ Zahra (s.a.) that I have been sent by Abu Bakr ibne Qahaf, the caliph of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). You inform Ali (a.s.) that the leader of the Muslims has summoned him. At this Ali (a.s.) replied, “When you addressed the Ansar in Saqifah Bani Sa’adah, at that time, you were not even staking your claim to the title. Instead you were inviting your friends Umar and Abu Obaydah for it. And today, you yourself are claiming ownership to it.” Janabe’ Zahra (s.a.) informed Qunfuz about this reply. He returned to Abu Bakr and was sent back by Umar to Hazrat Ali (a.s.) with the message, “The caliph of the Muslims is calling you.”

Qunfuz went again to Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and repeated the message, at which, Ali (a.s.) remarked, “The one who is made caliph is inferior to the one who appoints the caliph. The one who is made caliph cannot rule over the one who appoints the caliph. Neither will his orders be heard, nor will he be obeyed.[1]

On hearing this, Abu Bakr shed tears for a long time[2]. Umar was extremely angered by this reply. He was jumping around and saying, “Will you not seek the oath of allegiance from those who have refused to do so?” Abu Bakr asked him to sit down.

[1] Al Kashkul by Sayyed Haider Aamili, page 83/84
[2] Al Imamah was Siyasah, volume 1 page 19